Elena Carstoiu' Post

Why Call Centers Are a Hub of Customer Experience

Call centers serve as the main hub for companies to solve customer problems and provide information. In our connected world, call centers don’t just react to calls, they also proactively reach out to customers and nurture leads. This makes them a highly valuable asset to any sales team.

Why Call Centers are a Hub of Customer Experience

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The Productivity Box: Engage Your Mind and Body with Dancing

Everybody knows how important an active lifestyle is for the wellness, strength, and resilience of our bodies. What about the impact of exercise on our brains, though? Can physical movement enhance mental health and cognitive performance? What’s a good alternative if you don’t particularly like going to the gym? In this month’s installment of The Productivity Box, we’ll make the case for dancing.

The Productivity Box: Engage Your Mind and Body with Dancing

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The Productivity Box: How to Make Your Work Sound Right

When you think about creating the optimal work environment, does the quality of sound in your workplace ever come to mind? This might not seem as influential to productivity as some other ergonomic features, such as the comfort of your desk or the amount of light in your space. But as it turns out, the sounds you listen to (or are exposed to as background noise) can have a major impact on your overall performance. In this edition of The Productivity Box, we’ll talk about that connection—plus, how to use sound to your advantage on the job.

The Productivity Box: How to Make Your Work Sound Right

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The Productivity Box: The Multitasking Myth Got Busted, Start Monotasking Now!

If you’ve spent any amount of time in the workforce, chances are, you’ve already been exposed to the multitasking myth. Juggling with more things at a time on the job leads to success, while monotasking is for losers. Such a culture tends to glorify those who manage to tackle a dozen projects all at once. You know, the hustlers who have their coffee in one hand, their smartphone in the other, an overwhelming slew of tabs open on their computer screen, and notifications buzzing every few minutes. But myths get busted sometimes and now it’s one of those times!

The Productivity Box: The Multitasking Myth Got Busted, Start Monotasking Now

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The Productivity Box: Untangle your Mind with a Brain Dump

Have you noticed that working in the midst of chaos and clutter makes it hard to perform at your best? That’s because the brain craves order. When you’re organized, it’s easier to think clearly, process information, and focus on the task at hand. Yet, the mind is also prone to chaotic, jumbled thoughts that cause you to ruminate in a continuous inner loop. When you’re in this pattern of overthinking, it can feel almost impossible to concentrate on anything else. That’s where the brain dump strategy comes in.

The Productivity Box: Untangle your Mind with a Brain Dump

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The Productivity Box: The Link Between Anxiety and Work Performance

Mental health and anxiety have become a consistent topic of conversation at work. Many business leaders now recognize the need to prioritize psychological and emotional wellness. However, there are some employees who think their companies have not done enough to create a positive culture where mental health is taken seriously. Looking beyond this debate, what truly matters at the end of the day is awareness and action. Because mental health influences both our personal and professional lives.

The Productivity Box: The Link Between Anxiety, Mental Health and Work Performance

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How Technology Helps us Reduce our Carbon Footprint, on Earth Day and Everyday

Today, we celebrate Earth Day, the perfect time to show support for environmental protection and ultimately love for our beautiful mother planet, Earth. For businesses around the world, this could translate in making their workplace more eco-friendly. Sustainability measures have been in progress for years. However, recent advancements in technology make it even easier and more affordable to go green and reduce your organization’s carbon footprint.

How technology can help us reduce our carbon footprint

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