Posts Tagged Under: topics

A Quick Guide to Running Meetings Like a Pro

A Quick Guide to Running Virtual Meetings Like a Pro

Virtual meetings are a modern flavor of regular meetings. With the help of technology, participants can meet up despite limitations like different locations, different time zones or differing schedules. Real-time virtual meetings allow participants to meet up from anywhere, at any time. And, alongside many other productivity and collaborative tools, they enhance and improve cooperation.
A Quick Guide to Running Meetings Like a Pro

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meetings guide

The Ultimate Guide to Setting, Prepping, Running and Cutting Meetings

Meetings are the least popular work-related activity. And meetings cost huge sums in lost productivity. That’s because meetings are the dread of any organization. Sure, some people argue that one-on-one meetings are awesome. While one-on-ones are mentoring, and loved, regular meetings are often considered torture. Most often, torture by boredom.
Boring meetings happen for a reason. Meetings often lack organization, purpose and structure. Your team would rather do some work instead. Or would rather finish early on Friday.
meetings guide

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How to Index and Search All Your Business Communication

We all know how important it is to have access to the right information exactly when you need it. In business, this can make the difference between closing or losing a deal. And it also has a huge impact on our work productivity. Nobody likes to invest time in searching for scattered pieces of data in order to get their work done. In Hubgets, you can index and search all your business communication. Here’s how.

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How to Convert Information into Knowledge

Time is a bloody tyrant, Shakespeare said. No offense, Shakespeare, but in this century so is information. Think about it this way – when you’ve got too much information on your hands and scarce to zero means to organize it, you usually get swamped. When you’re lacking information, it’s hard to make a decision, let alone a knowledgeable one. So, either way, you’re at the mercy of information – it’s like The Taming of the Shrew all over again 😀
Let’s see how lack of information translates in the workplace and how teams can use Hubgets to overcome that.

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