Posts Tagged Under: social network

How Often Do You Pull Out Your “Digital Cigarette?”

Contextual analytics is a useful tool for assessing effectiveness of your advertising efforts. Knowing when and where your customers are likely to view your ads can make or break your campaign, so it’s important to check the trends every now and then.

People are social creatures. They like to get together and chat when they finish work or during weekends, be it at home, in another person’s home, in bars and restaurants, clubs, art galleries, etc. But people also do a lot of their communication and socializing on their smartphones. In fact, the smartphone has become every marketer’s best bet in terms of platform

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Customers Want Complaints Answered Where They Were Posted

Photo by Neringa Šidlauskaitė on Unsplash

Funny story: I decided to change my ringtone to a real song by a real band, so I looked up “how to change ringtone on iOS.” I landed on a 1,000-word post that explained the nightmarish process. After decidedly sticking with my stock tunes, I felt like venting a little on Twitter.

Apple has always made it unnecessarily difficult to add and extract files to and from an iOS device, especially ringtones. It has to do with the stronghold on the content routed through iTunes. While it’s fair towards the artists, it’s excruciatingly frustrating for the end user. Surely there’s a way to please both parties. Alas, they’ve yet to implement it

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Does Mobility Make Us Narcissistic?

Photo by Rebecca Harris on Unsplash

What was the last tweet you sent out and what device did you compose it on? A recent study by Goldsmiths University of London has uncovered some interesting facts about our tweeting habits, including the fact that we are considerably more self-centered when tweeting from our phones.

The research paper, published in the Journal of Communication, reveals that tweets fired off from a phone are 25% more negative than the ones sent out from a computer. The explanation is as simple as you’d expect

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How to Stop Being a Loser [Infographic]

Avoiding social churn is no easy task. When you lose audiences to overwhelming or underwhelming actions, you become compelled to attract new people constantly just to keep your head above the surface. Progress, on the other hand, becomes unattainable if you keep making all the wrong moves.

If this sounds familiar then you most probably need to brush up on those digital skills. Bluntly put, you’ve got to stop being a loser. Kimi Mongello shows you how in a delightful infographic featuring 12 useful tips to help you retain your social community.

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Sharing The Moment – How Smartphones Changed The Way We Watch Sports

Photo by Jannes Glas on Unsplash

Not too long ago we used to pull out our phones just to call a friend, or read a text. Today, we use our mobile phones for just about anything. Chief among these activities is social interaction. During sporting events, this urge to relate to others hits a fever pitch, thanks to platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

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Facebook Gives a Blow to Referral-Dependent Businesses

Facebook has announced new changes to the way it maintains your news feed. If you’re a regular folk with a moderate social activity online, the changes are for the best. If you’re a business that heavily relies on referral traffic, buckle up.

The announcement says the changes are meant to better display the content that matters to you. The changes were necessary because people keep posting more and more stuff, and as this content expands, its reach gobbles up under its own heft.

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