Posts Tagged Under: position property

Positioning In CSS (III)

In this final article of the Positioning in CSS series, we’ll describe the floating concept.

What Is Floating

Floating is used to place an element to the left or to the right of its containing block. This can be very easily achieved by setting the float property either to the left or right. In the following code snippet, all the elements under the box class are set to float to left.

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Positioning In CSS (I)

Today we’ll continue our tour of CSS features and delve into the quirks of positioning elements on a web page.

A DOM Element has 3 dimensions, one for each axis. The X and Y axes place an element on the page, horizontally and vertically. The Z axis brings elements closer or farther from the user. Also, the Z axis is used when deciding what element will be shown when two or several elements have overlapping content.

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