Posts Tagged Under: decision making

6 Most Productive Ways to Start the Morning

The moment your feet touch the floor each morning, you begin to set the tone for your entire day. So it’s worth asking yourself: Does my morning routine fuel productivity? Or does it just prime my brain for distraction and procrastination? Do I start the morning with intentional practices that energize and motivate me? Or do I scroll mindlessly on social media and create unnecessary anxiety?

Most Productive Ways to Start the Morning

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4 Life Approaches and How They Affect Your Work Attitude

Someone once said “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Okay, well, it was the sage wisdom of Mrs. Gump, but regardless, it’s a great metaphor for how unpredictable life can be. Sometimes it leaves a bad taste in your mouth, sometimes it’s disappointing, and other times it’s so incredible you need to stop and savor the moment because you know that it’s fleeting. This rings true in every facet of our day-to-day, especially in professional settings. There is so much that is beyond our control, so how we approach life directly impacts our work attitude and how we navigate our workday.

While there are many approaches, there are 4 that have a big impact on success.

How your life approach affects your work attitude

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Seven Effective Ways to Overcome Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue is something everyone experiments in their life, especially during periods of high emotional or intellectual distress. In order to cut out its energy loses, your brain reaches a point where it simply refuses to make decisions. It’s that moment when you start answering most questions with “I don’t care”. That doesn’t really mean that you don’t care, but it is actually a way of saying “I refuse or I simply can’t make a decision about that right now”. The more decisions you need to make, the more likely you are to become tired of deciding. Eventually, you either give up or make hasty decisions.
How to improve productivity in a virtual meeting

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The Good and Bad of Sharing Emotions in Work Conflicts

The Good and Bad of Sharing Emotions in Work Conflicts

We all have a work conflict at one point or another. And often heated debates are the way to boost productivity. Often, the feelings we experience can be too much: anger, frustration, surprise, fear, sadness, disgust, shame, and anticipation. Yet, sharing how you feel in a work conflict may not be the best strategy.
The Good and Bad of Sharing Emotions in Work Conflicts

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Teams Are Instrumental To Decision Making

Here’s Why Teams Are Instrumental to Better Decision-Making

Teams today are key to organizational success. It’s teams that are the fundamental to any accomplishment or progress. Gone are the days of incredible individual contributions. Making decisions remains, however, the charge of individuals -managers, leaders, supervisor, coordinators. On the other hand, decision-making is costly, and there is even such a thing as decision fatigue.
Teams Are Instrumental To Decision Making

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How to Help Your Team Embrace Work Changes More Easily

8 Key Learnings to Help Your Team Embrace Work Changes More Easily

Work changes occur all the time, in every company committed to making progress. However, one of the biggest obstacles that managers need to overcome along the way is people’s resistance to change. Managers often take it as a given, thinking it’s human nature. Even though there is some truth in that, it’s in their power to implement change in a way that would make it easier for everyone to get on board.
How to Help Your Team Embrace Work Changes More Easily

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Team decisions

Prioritize Team Decisions to Improve Leadership and Team Trust

Team decisions are a productivity enhancing process. In short, it enables teams to take on some executive-level decision-making. It’s based on distilling managerial-level challenges. Clearing the decision space for the leader. Allowing the leader to focus on what’s important. Long-term strategy. Or large, tough spontaneous issues. Team decisions might sound like pampering the leader. Like they’re a way to cut down on leadership decisions.
But team decisions are more than treating the leader as a glass canon. They’re a way to offer some head space and focus. Effectively, they enable managers to make headway on strategically important decisions. Meanwhile, the team structure takes care of the rest; to an extent, they’re default decisions.
Team decisions

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