Posts Tagged Under: business intelligence

Micro-Goals: How to Hit Targets, Learn, and Reorganize

Micro-goals are a novel concept in strategy. They allow a tactical segmentation of organizational plans. In a sense, it’s like re-creating your organization at a micro-scale.
Micro-goals are a way for your organization to learn. You use them to determine what outcomes are achievable by a small, very special, task force. Then you measure the progress of such a team and learn as much as you can.
Micro-goals, or how to hit targets, learn, and reorganize

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How to Extract Actionable Business Insights by Just Watching Twitter

Photo by Luis Villasmil on Unsplash

Wouldn’t it be great to know exactly where to look to grow your business – without having to hire someone for the job? Two technology giants that you’ve surely heard of are on the case, and they’ve forged partnership to deliver just that: an unprecedented analytics tool that looks at online social behavior and tells you how to adjust your operations.

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The Role of UC Analytics in Driving Customer Loyalty

Take a look around you the next time you’re sitting in a café. Chances are nearly everyone you see will be glued to an Internet-connected device of some sort that is producing heaps of data – be it through emails, phone calls, social media or Unified Communications (UC) applications. Ever thought about the role that such an amount of personal information can play in the business world? It’s quite huge.

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