Posts Tagged Under: boost productivity

Align Teams and Reach Short-Term Goals with These 4 Tips

Align Teams and Reach Short-Term Goals with These 4 Tips

Align teams with your goals, vision, and value and enjoy the ride. It’s simple as that. When you sync teams with the overarching vision, you get maximal efficacy. It’s unbeatable and uncanny. Almost as if each team member acts as an engaged and caring parent. When you align teams, what you reap is what you sow. Full convergence of talent, wits, skill, experience, and know-how. Here’s how to align teams and help them reach short-term goals.
Align Teams and Reach Short-Term Goals with These 4 Tips

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5 Easy Ways to Be More Productive and Avoid Burnout

5 Easy Ways to Be More Productive and Avoid Burnout

“Be more productive” is the work chant of the decade. And it’s unlikely to change anytime soon. The future is every bit about boosting productivity. Meanwhile, today has its own challenges. And it’s tougher than ever to stay ahead. Especially considering how quickly things change.
And these things are all related to technology. Indeed, tech has revolutionized the workplace. Granted, the past few decades have brought forth significant change. But we mean disruptive tech. Only two decades ago email on a mobile phone was a stretch. Tech is key, and it’s been transforming the workplace. But the constant is people. And people, unfortunately, can fall behind only to find themselves on the brink of burnout.
Besides, we might have reached an odd plateau. When compared to people, tech is no longer as disruptive as it used to be. At least, not when it comes to tech helping us be more productive. Because at the end the day, it’s the individual that deals with all the challenges. The constant here is the end-user. There’s only so much we can do in a day.
5 Easy Ways to Be More Productive and Avoid Burnout

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Fight Exhaustion and Stay Productive with These 12 Essential Tips

Fight Exhaustion and Stay Productive at Work with These 12 Essential Tips

To stay productive despite being tired is an often-recurring challenge. We’ve all been there. For whatever reason, we feel tired yet we have to work. Having to deal with the consequences of not getting enough sleep is one thing. Add to this feeling exhausted, anxious or burned out. Sometimes it is work pressure that does it.
Without reservation, prolonged wakefulness is today’s second-hand smoking. Yes, this has much to do with sleep deprivation. Prolonged wakefulness means that we are not getting enough sleep. In fact, most people sleep far less than they should. And this can have significant impacts on cognitive performance. We also overindulge on coffee, and spend far too many hours sitting on a chair. We procrastinate, misuse breaks, don’t breathe right and have all sorts of productivity issue. Despite all of this, we often find ourselves in an odd situation. We need to stay productive while tired.
Fight Exhaustion and Stay Productive with These 12 Essential Tips

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Maximize Your Work Time

Maximize Your Work Time with These 5 Easy Steps

Work time is a salad that mixes productivity with breaks. Undeniably, breaks can make you more productive, yet many of them eventually turn out to be ineffective or simply unnecessary. By default, work time is expected to be productive. Markedly, either by doing more or better or both. So far, these are the two main approaches to boosting productivity. And most types of work require a mix of the two.
Maximize Your Work Time

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team strengths

Team Strengths, True Leadership and How They Boost Productivity

Team strengths are instrumental to boosting productivity and the success of your business. By playing team strengths, you increase team trust and team engagement.
Team strengths should be your focus even before building the team. Especially if you use team goals to target objectives. Team strengths are what a good leader uses to get the team through.
team strengths

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Boost productivity with strategic breaks

Boost Productivity with Strategic Breaks and Sustainable Focus

Boost productivity with breaks, it sounds counterintuitive. After all, productivity means that you are doing effective work. And no effective work happens on a break. In fact, this is a limited view on productivity.
In the past, more hours of work had a direct effect on production. More man-hours, meant more manufactured goods. The relation between time and the items produced was obvious.
Yet even then people had the right idea about productivity. Allegedly, Ford shocked the world by adopting the 40-hour workweek. And it worked! Even thought it made no sense at the time, it boosted productivity.
Boost productivity with strategic breaks

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