Posts Tagged Under: at work

Six Tips to Get Things Done at Work

Work productivity is a never ending conversation. We all wish we could be more productive and get things done at work. However, this requires effective time management and a strong focus-oriented mindset. The purpose of this article is guiding you to achieving that.
Get things done at work

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Seven Effective Ways to Overcome Decision Fatigue

Decision fatigue is something everyone experiments in their life, especially during periods of high emotional or intellectual distress. In order to cut out its energy loses, your brain reaches a point where it simply refuses to make decisions. It’s that moment when you start answering most questions with “I don’t care”. That doesn’t really mean that you don’t care, but it is actually a way of saying “I refuse or I simply can’t make a decision about that right now”. The more decisions you need to make, the more likely you are to become tired of deciding. Eventually, you either give up or make hasty decisions.
How to improve productivity in a virtual meeting

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Why Teamwork Matters to Your Business Success

Many companies nowadays emphasize the importance of talent. They are driving on the idea that a few top employees are responsible for most of the overall success. However, most recent productivity studies have shown that even those shining superstars need the help of a strong team in order to succeed. Therefore, the importance of teamwork is emphasized more and more, with companies spending millions on team building strategies.
Why Teamwork Matters to Your Business Success

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How Sleep Affects Your Productivity and Tips to Make Things Better

We live in a culture that expects us to be as efficient and productive as possible. Since there are only so many hours in a day, and way too many things to accomplish, the most common solution used by professionals all over the world is cutting back on sleep. Indeed, giving up one third of our time to inactivity seems counterproductive. However, not doing that is what makes millions of people lose or weaken their ability to stay productive and eventually turns into sleep deprivation. This article is dedicated to exploring this correlation between sleep and productivity.
How Sleep Affects Your Productivity and Tips to Make Things Better

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Boosting Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

Boost Your Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment might sound like a Star Trek Discovery title episode. Moreover, using them for boosting productivity mind sound over the top. In reality, these concepts predate the first Star Trek. And while the so-called “mind-machines” were very popular in the 60’s, today everything is about boosting productivity.
As an illustration, consider this scenario. You’re at work and you need to be productive. Hence, you put some headphones on and play some sounds while working. In effect, your attention span increases. Meanwhile, your focus gets stronger, deeper. Moreover, the overall quality of your work improves. To say nothing of your mood. Subtly improved, your mood becomes work-positive. You end up doing more, faster, better.
Boosting Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

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