
Tucked inside Forrester’s Cloud Predictions for 2016 is a tidbit about cloud security that I simply gave to share with our readers. Consider it a “quote of the day” substitute. But first, some context.

Analysts predict that, after reaching mainstream appeal in 2015, the cloud is set to shift into the next gear with the focus on expanding use cases and automation. As a result of this, the big boys will get bigger, and small players will have to up their game or die. Specifically, 2016 will be a shakeup year which will force many current providers to refocus on a narrower field, retreat from cloud or exit.

But the tidbit I wanted to share isn’t about that. It’s about security, and how moving to the cloud will actually be safer than storing sensitive data in-house. The reason is simple. Clouds can leverage heuristic systems that sniff out suspicious code or behavior, halting processes and preventing intrusion far before the hackers can even get close to the sensitive data. Yet many business leaders, and even some CIOs, still cite security as their main concern involving cloud services. To this, Forrester analysts say:

“Stop using security as an anti-cloud excuse and tap automated governance.”


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