KPCB: 51% of Total Time Spent on the Internet Is on Mobiles

2015 marks the first time mobile devices become the primary means of connecting to the Internet with 51% share, according to venture capital firm KPCB. That figure was 12% in 2008, just as smartphones with big screens were beginning to take off.

Smartphones have been around for more than a decade, but the real recipe for a smartphone was struck around 2007 with the iPhone. Before then, smartphones had QUERTY keyboards and Internet connectivity was painfully slow. Worse still, mobile Internet was ugly and completely unusable. Ten years ago

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Quote of the Day by Niels Bohr

Photo by Anika Huizinga on Unsplash

Being a scientist doesn’t always pay off, but when it does, you get instant recognition and everything you say or do gets framed. It was the case of Niels Bohr, who enjoyed merging empirical knowledge to philosophy with every chance he got.

A Nobel Prize winner, Bohr made substantial contributions to understanding the atomic structure and quantum theory. Quantum physics differs from classical physics in that one is less “fixed” than the other. Bohr seemingly translated this into plain English when he said

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Need Innovation? Foster Curiosity First

9 out of 10 workers acknowledge that it’s the curious person in the office that will most likely bring ideas and get promoted. But only 22% of workers describe themselves as curious, and only 12% say their employers are encouraging a strong desire to know or learn something. No wonder innovation doesn’t grow on trees!

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Know When to Unplug

Photo by Kalen Emsley on Unsplash

Nearly half of small business owners in 2014 reported missing their summer vacation due to a fear of unplugging – i.e. to leave their business unattended – according to a survey by office supply chain store Staples.

Needless to say this is bad. For all the material advantages that good business produces, at the end of the day it’s the sum of all things that makes or breaks a person. We are living, breathing creatures that need to unwind in order to function properly. Forget to do it and you end up with an always-on society that never shuts up and forces every individual to do the same or fall behind

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12 Signs You Are Good With Money [Infographic]

No, this is not one of those posts that only the wealthy will get. Whether you have a fat bank account or whether you live paycheck to paycheck, some financial matters are just as germane. Paying for bills, planning for a big purchase, or considering a retirement plan are things we all confront with during our lifetime. But there are other aspects to consider as well.

An infographic by Business Insider highlights not three, not five, but 12 important aspects about

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Australia Will Lose $9.3 Billion This Year Because It Doesn’t Do Collaboration

Collaboration is a term we have assigned to the practice of communicating and working in groups, building on each other’s ideas with the end goal of delivering a great product, preferably something new and original.

Doing business in a competitive environment means companies need to become masters of collaboration, and it has been proved that unlocking the potential capacity and knowledge of a group increases that group’s satisfaction level by a factor of 10. As everyone knows, motivation is a key driver for growth

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Today’s CIO Is No Longer Just Geek In-Chief

Photo by Clément H on Unsplash

Chief Information Officer (CIO) is a job title usually given to the senior executive responsible for the information technology and computer systems in a given enterprise. As a high-ranking executive, the CIO reports to the chief executive officer (CEO), chief operating officer (COO) and / or the chief financial officer (CFO).

You can find this role in any business that makes extensive use of technology. Not too long ago, this person was regarded as a geek in-chief – someone with a broad IT skillset who also knows a thing or two about business. Today, it’s the other way around

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Stuck Changing the SSL Certificate in VoipNow? Read This

We work tirelessly to keep our VoipNow users happy. To that end, one of the things we don’t do is to dump maintenance burdens on them. However, every now and then, VoipNow users are required to perform some actions on their end, such as swapping an old SSL certificate for a newer one.

For those who just landed here by accident, let me make your visit to our blog worthwhile. In plain English, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security thing that basically encrypts the link between a server and your computer. It makes it hard for a hacker to eavesdrop on that connection (whatever the reason may be). All of the internet depends on this standard, so it’s not something typical to any software product or service. It’s a fact of life. Now, back to our VoipNow customers

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Your Office Chair Isn’t The Silent Killer It’s Said to Be

Photo by Michał Kubalczyk on Unsplash

Sit-stand workstations are said to provide a solution to the sedentary lifestyle of office workers, but new research suggests that sitting isn’t directly correlated to mortality risks, as previous studies have claimed. And standing has almost the same results as sitting, the researchers say.

The study, published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, acknowledges that sitting behaviors have long been linked with increased risk of all-cause mortality. However, it cautions that previous studies have examined single indicators of sitting or all sitting behaviors combined, whereas the current examination looks to enhance the evidence base by looking at type-specific prospective associations of five different sedentary behaviors (including standing) as well as total sitting

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New Research Suggests Twitter Makes You Smarter

Einstein once openly admitted that he had no special talents or skills – that he was just passionately curious. And yet he is the most revered figure in the history of science. Could this be the recipe for generating brilliant ideas? New research suggests that the answer is “yes.”

A study conducted by MIT Sloan School of Management reveals that curiosity about many different things greatly expands your ability to generate brilliant ideas. And the easiest way to do it is to use Twitter. Marketing people, listen closely

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