Communication is the backbone of your company. The key to a winning workplace is connecting your team to work together more productively, in spite of the different dynamics and working styles. What if there was a tool that could boost employee efficiency by centralizing company communication and information in one interface?
So what’s the secret behind successful customer relationship management? This question is no doubt on everyone’s lips these days and has turned into a hot topic for most businesses. If you’re looking for potential solutions, here’s one: find a proper communication channel which meets the needs of your organization and clients at the same time.
For the past two weeks, we’ve been meeting with students from the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers and Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. We’re really pumped up to talk to students about our Cool Summer Internship, the career opportunities and the perks at 4PSA. Internships are a tradition we’re really fond of here, and this is our 8th edition.
Students who applied to our internship at the LSAC IT&C Job Fair were in for a surprise. Five lucky winners got vouchers at a hip escape room in Bucharest. Since we’re after individuals with inquisitive minds, great attention to details and a strong interest in finding the best solution to a problem, we figured getting out from an escape room would be a great treat for such characters.
Last week was all about summer and students for us, as we kicked off our 9th internship program. We were very happy to meet a new generation of brilliant future computer engineers at the LSAC IT&C Job Fair and to showcase our Cool Summer Internship. The participants got the chance to interact with our team and our CEO, find out more about us, what we’re working on and what it takes to become one of our Clouders.
Did you see it the last time you logged in on Hubgets? Or maybe after we’ve asked you to refresh the page because we have some new features for you. It’s entirely possible you just clicked on a status update and found it. But yeah, it’s true. We now have a neat Team Board ready to gather all your teammates’ status updates in one place.
We started thinking about Hubgets many years ago. We didn’t want to build yet another instant communication platform, but solve a problem that emerged five years ago and which, today, seems to have become much worse. Funny enough, last week I read this article
Every March, excitement takes over our office. Everyone gets giddy and it’s quite clear we’re just counting down the days ’till a new edition of Cool Summer Internship! This is the exact situation we’re in right now, so let’s take a closer look at what we have in store for this year 🙂
We’re debuting our 8th internship program during the LSAC IT&C Job Fair today. We’re welcoming brilliant future engineers to our presentation at the Automation and Computers Faculty. Let’s meet in EC105 hall starting 2 PM. This is a great opportunity for all students to find out more about us, what we’re working on and what it takes to become one of our Clouders. Both our CEO, Bogdan Carstoiu, and our newest Clouders will have interesting stories to share.
Emoji has been the word of the year in 2015 and for good reasons: it’s everywhere! From social media posts to chats and advertising campaigns, these tiny ideograms and smileys have taken over the world 😀 Since images speak louder than words, they’ve turned into a fun form of digital communication. And we’re big fans ❤️
Sometimes emojis say it better
Think about it this way – scientists have proven that emojis come with great benefits for teamwork and collaboration. Writing takes away important non-verbal information, and this is how we can counter it. It’s not just about embellishment, these quirky characters can turn into stand alone sentences and speak volumes. When working with other people, not only they save space, but they also convey emotion. The messages are no longer dry, they have a personal touch, and express the creativity of the sender.
Language is dynamic and it’s greatly shaped by the people using it. With emojis, you can witness the development of a personal language and inside jokes, specific to teams. Being informal and natural will turn into a great business asset.
Introducing the new emoji set in Hubgets
We already told you that Hubgets ❤️ emojis. This is why we have integrated a library with many categories. Since there are over 880 of them to pick out from, you won’t have any trouble expressing your feelings or making creative combinations. A world of possibilities lies ahead 🙂
Our emojis are compatible with the default sets on several devices and operating systems, so things won’t get lost in translation.
And using them is really a piece of cake on Hubgets. You can just click the icon and insert one.
Coming together is the beginning; staying together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford said that a long time ago, but don’t we wish for the same thing in the workplace too? As with most things, it’s easier said than done. How exactly do you make beginnings happen the right way, and how can you ensure they grow into a long-term experience?
Researchers have discovered and announced a major flaw in one of the building blocks on Linux operating system – the GNU C Library. The vulnerability has been reported as CVE-2015-7547 and was disclosed on Tuesday, February 16, 2016. The vulnerability is in function getaddrinfo() that performs domain-name (DNS) lookups.