Make Work More Fun with Emojis

Emoji has been the word of the year in 2015 and for good reasons: it’s everywhere! From social media posts to chats and advertising campaigns, these tiny ideograms and smileys have taken over the world 😀 Since images speak louder than words, they’ve turned into a fun form of digital communication. And we’re big fans ❤️‍

Sometimes emojis say it better

Think about it this way – scientists have proven that emojis come with great benefits for teamwork and collaboration. Writing takes away important non-verbal information, and this is how we can counter it. It’s not just about embellishment, these quirky characters can turn into stand alone sentences and speak volumes. When working with other people, not only they save space, but they also convey emotion. The messages are no longer dry, they have a personal touch, and express the creativity of the sender.

Language is dynamic and it’s greatly shaped by the people using it. With emojis, you can witness the development of a personal language and inside jokes, specific to teams. Being informal and natural will turn into a great business asset.

Introducing the new emoji set in Hubgets

We already told you that Hubgets ❤️‍ emojis. This is why we have integrated a library with many categories. Since there are over 880 of them to pick out from, you won’t have any trouble expressing your feelings or making creative combinations. A world of possibilities lies ahead 🙂
Our emojis are compatible with the default sets on several devices and operating systems, so things won’t get lost in translation.
And using them is really a piece of cake on Hubgets. You can just click the icon and insert one.

Inserting an emoji

Inserting an emoji

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How to Help New Team Members Fit in and Deliver Fast

Coming together is the beginning; staying together is progress; working together is success. Henry Ford said that a long time ago, but don’t we wish for the same thing in the workplace too? As with most things, it’s easier said than done. How exactly do you make beginnings happen the right way, and how can you ensure they grow into a long-term experience?
How to Help New Team Members Fit in and Deliver Fast | Hubgets

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Sweet God of Interruptions at Work

There’s a very good reason why I zone out when I have something to finish fast. That reason is usually associated with an annoying voice, but today it was associated with puppy eyes. Seriously, I feel that this is the best strategy to undermine a team’s focus under deadline. Enter #uberPuppies!
Puppy at Hubgets headquarters

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Web vs. Desktop App, Win-Win with Hubgets

For years, the web vs. desktop apps rivalry has led to passionate debates and dramatic terms like battles and wars. This article does not champion either of these environments. It’s just a personal account of how I dealt with the web vs. the desktop dilemma so that I could make the most of Hubgets, on my own terms.
Welcome to Hubgets

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How to Convert Information into Knowledge

Time is a bloody tyrant, Shakespeare said. No offense, Shakespeare, but in this century so is information. Think about it this way – when you’ve got too much information on your hands and scarce to zero means to organize it, you usually get swamped. When you’re lacking information, it’s hard to make a decision, let alone a knowledgeable one. So, either way, you’re at the mercy of information – it’s like The Taming of the Shrew all over again 😀
Let’s see how lack of information translates in the workplace and how teams can use Hubgets to overcome that.

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How to Assemble a Team with a Few Mouse Clicks

We’ve all been in a tight spot where a super urgent task falls on your head, requiring you to get in touch with people you don’t usually work with. No matter how you look at it, getting everyone in one place is time-consuming. First, you need to consider the logistics behind an urgent task/crisis meeting. Then, you can’t be oblivious to the time people need to disconnect from a task and connect to another. Adjusting to a new context and reaching a high level of implication requires an amount of time that urgent tasks never offer.

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Cloud Set To Massively Transform The Way We Work

The beginning of every year is marked by predictions and attempts at assessing the future. 2016 is no different, and this time we’re taking a close look at how our digital lives will improve in the upcoming years.

An infographic from Raconteur ranks the top 10 drivers leading to digital transformation for businesses, pointing out the factors with the greatest influence on the way we’ll work in the years to come. The global tech forecast anticipates a massive expansion of digital technologies among businesses of all sizes.

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Hubgets Puts the “C” in UC&C

Larger teams generate better concepts, and the more diverse the team is, the higher the impact of their innovation efforts. That’s the key takeaway from a recent field study that showed how mixing up different departments and putting the right software in their hands can be an innovative idea in and of itself.

Hubgets is collaboration

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A Match Made in Heaven – Why Call Centers and UC Go Hand in Hand

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Metaphorically speaking, Unified Communications (UC) solution vendors walk around carrying a long list of benefits for service providers who want to offer UC services for SMBs and other organizations (i.e. upgrade their business communication channels). The are many reasons and truth is this crusade against old technology is very justified. Any way you look at it, UC services, especially when hosted in the Cloud, knock the socks off any legacy phone network.

A call center is, in and of itself, a network of phones. Much of UC’s functionality actually originated in call centers. The only difference is that unifying these features enables Service Providers (SP) to take better advantage of resources with the end goal of increasing productivity and improving the customer service. So what better business to target with UC if not contact centers? And although every feature counts, it’s those that touch the customer directly that weigh the most

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