Posts in Category: teamwork

Why Virtual Meetings Are So Exhausting

If you’ve experienced what Stanford University researchers call Zoom fatigue, rest assured, it’s not just in your imagination. The fact is, some virtual meetings cause exhaustion and contribute to burnout. However, they won’t be phased out anytime soon. So, it’s up to you to understand why this happens and how to mitigate it in order to stay healthy and productive.

Why Virtual Meetings Are So Exhausting

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The Productivity Box: How Colors Influence Your Work and Help you Thrive

In many installments of The Productivity Box series, we’ve talked about how the ergonomic features of a work environment can influence overall performance. We have examined the impact of light, sound, temperature, air quality, and more. But this month, we’re turning our attention to the powerful, dynamic connection between colors and the cognitive function.

The Productivity Box: How Colors Influence Your Work and Help you Thrive

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The Ultimate Checklist for Virtual Meetings Done Right

Virtual meetings have a bad reputation. From video fatigue that plagued remote workers during the pandemic to technology problems that should already have been solved by 2023, it is easy to see why people prefer to meet in person. However, virtual meetings are still very useful when people are far away and online communication is the only sustainable way to do it. Let’s learn together how to make them better!

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Simple Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude at Work

You might be surprised at how powerful a positive attitude can be in the workplace. Studies have shown that positive employees are more productive, more energetic, and less likely to need sick time than their unhappy counterparts. A positive outlook on life helps with stress management, makes you a better collaborator, and enables you to build a strong support circle in the workplace.

Simple Ways to Keep a Positive Attitude at Work

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How to Work with a Bad Listener

Effective communication is crucial for success in any workplace. For the process to be effective, you need good speakers and good listeners. When someone is an ineffective speaker or a bad listener and communication fails, it can lead to misunderstandings, errors, and missed opportunities.

How to Work with a Bad Listener

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Short guide on how to become a better active listener

As social beings, communication is an essential part of our lives. We communicate with others to share our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. However, communication is not just about speaking; it also involves active listening. Active listening is the ability to fully concentrate on what someone is saying, understand their perspective, and respond appropriately. In this article, we will discuss the importance of active listening and how you can become a better active listener.

Short guide on how to become a better active listener

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The Productivity Box: Optimize the Day with a Balance of Strategic and Tactical Work

The average American works about 1,750 hours per year. That’s more than six other high-income nations: the U.K., Australia, Sweden, Belgium, France, and Germany. Even with all those hours on the clock, 88 percent of the workforce procrastinates for at least one hour each day. In other words, no matter how many tasks are written down (or crossed off) on their to-do list, people are still wasting valuable time and losing out on productivity. This is why it’s important to balance strategic vision with tactical execution, a work balance, if you will.

The Productivity Box: Optimize the Day with a Balance of Strategic and Tactical Work

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