Research shows that 38% of people feel there is not enough collaboration in their teams, which translates as 38% of employees are unhappy about their job. Here at Hubgets, we are constantly looking for solutions to minimize that percentage of unhappy people by offering them a collaboration solution that improves teamwork and makes work more fun.
We believe communication is incomplete without emotion. This year, Oxford confirmed it. Here’s how it went down.
Synergy can be of massive help if you know how to use it. For that, we want to share with you this infographic that summarizes 11 ways in which you can put yourself into hyper-productive mode by guarding your time, procrastinating wisely, working in groups, and others alike.
I’m sure you’ve been in situations where one minute you’re posting on Twitter, the next you’re checking your inbox or answering a chat message. And two minutes later you’re in a call while skimming an article someone shared on Facebook, wondering whenever you got there in the first place. Simply put, we have too many networks to keep an eye on and too little time on our hands. Fortunately, there are solutions and one of them comes from Hubgets.
Statistically, 9 out of 10 people prefer to interact at work in any other way than meetings. It’s a long-known culprit in corporate but also in SMB environments that apply standard operational formulas. Alternatives are hard to come by. You need to buy video conferencing tech, you need to triple-check that attendants are at their desk, that their computer supports the platform etc. Actually, we should have used past tense here as alternatives are no longer hard to come by.
In an organization where communication is on the low, disarray creeps in. Misunderstandings lead to missed deadlines, lost opportunities, revenue drops and, of course, headaches. Not metaphorically, but the actual aching. So how do you encourage company-wide input and feedback? Well, one thing we know for a fact is that it takes more than a chatty manager 😉 Let’s Hubgets!
Focused. Fast. Delivering great results. Leading by example. A big fan of collaboration. We’re all inspired by the amazing people who possess such traits. When they get in the team, new ways of doing things are defined and everything seems to be improving. Let’s take a closer look at what drives them, and their habits.
Dale Carnegie, the famous American writer, used to say that people rarely succeed, unless they are having fun in what they are doing. Future experiments showed he was onto something 🙂 Turning frowns upside down seems to generate more work effort and engagement.