Learn Every Single Cloud Computing Term With This Comprehensive Glossary

Photo by Romain Vignes on Unsplash

Not too long ago we discussed how a third of Americans were clueless about the notion of cloud computing – what it does, how it works, where it’s located, etc. – and today we’re doing a public service by offering readers an easy way to finally understand the cloud, and its purpose.

Solutions Review, a collection of best practices for IT software technology solutions offers this awesome A-to-Z cloud computing IT glossary which packs definitions for 50 of the most-used cloud computing terms and acronyms.

There, you’ll learn the differences between a privately-owned cloud and a public cloud, what is a Cloud Management Platform (CMP), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), or things like Container, Elasticity, Enterprise Application, Enterprise Resource Planning, Hypervisor, Multi-Tenancy, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, and many others.

The glossary is amazingly helpful for those looking to brush up on their tech jargon before taking up a job, attempting to do business in the field, or simply to impress others with their vast IT knowledge. I hear that people even talk on dates about cloud computing. If that’s true, you can certainly woo her with the correct definition for Backend as a Service (BaaS).

Nowadays we’re surrounded by Internet-capable devices that leverage cloud computing services 24/7. I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes a mandatory subject in school in the next decade or so. In other words, sooner or later we might have to know these terms by heart. Without further ado: the Cloud Computing Glossary of Terms.

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