Gal Baggins' Post

Customer Communication Is For Your Business What SEO Is For Your Website

In the push for creating a great website, developing a social presence, and providing an overall positive user experience, it’s easy to forget about the foundation of your business: great customer communication. This element is critical to the success of your business like SEO is to the success of your website. Without it, you’ll struggle to bring on customers, retain clients and build a brand that’s known for a great customer experience.

Customer communication is as important for your business as SEO is for your website

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How to Learn Faster and Smarter as a Working Adult

Thanks to emerging technology and droves of new graduates, today’s job market is more competitive than ever before. In fact, 78 percent of people said they would consider a job change this year, according to Brightwing Talent Insights Survey Results 2019.

With so many professionals open to making a job change, you’re going to be competing against strong candidates, whether you’re trying to grow in your current position or move into a new one.

How To Learn Faster and Smarter as a Working Adult

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Five Strategies For a More Productive Workday

Everyone wants to have a more productive workday every day. To get more done, do it well, and to eventually leave the office feeling accomplished. However, in the busy and hectic modern workplace, that’s often easier said than done.

Strategies for a more productive workday

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How to Become a Master in Task Management

Everyone is guilty of workplace procrastination from time to time. Whether you’re checking social media or chatting with coworkers, procrastination can be easily abused, and can wreak havoc on your task management, productivity, performance, and even your health.

Become a master in task management

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Three Signs You’re Not Managing Your Calendar Effectively

Our modern American culture glorifies busyness. In fact, the Journal of Consumer Research has found that “Those devoting more time to work and less time to leisure are often viewed as having more status.” But even the most packed schedule is not an automatic sign of productivity. A long to-do list might look impressive at first. However, the number of tasks, deadlines and appointments on your calendar does not always mean those obligations are done with excellence.

Time to manage your calendar effectively

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Employee Engagement, The Invisible Connection Between Communication And Company Culture

Company culture and communication go hand-in-hand. Without communication, it’s hard to build a culture where employees thrive and engage with their work because they’re likely to feel less involved, while also being less trusting and less connected with the company as a whole. An organization built on communication brings employees in, and encourages them to share their ideas, connect with their co-workers, and build relationships with the leaders who guide them. Communication is an enabler for employee engagement.

Employee engagement is the invisible connection between communication and company culture

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