Gal Baggins' Post

Five Secrets of Effective Collaboration with a Remote Team

Can you imagine rolling out of bed, turning on your desktop and being at work? This is a reality for many workers, now more than ever before. Thirty-second commute aside, there are certainly challenges when it comes to working remotely. How can you reach an effective collaboration with colleagues that are thousands of miles away? How can managers allocate workload for a team that’s spread across the world?

Secrets of effective collaboration with a remote team

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Customer Communication Is For Your Business What SEO Is For Your Website

In the push for creating a great website, developing a social presence, and providing an overall positive user experience, it’s easy to forget about the foundation of your business: great customer communication. This element is critical to the success of your business like SEO is to the success of your website. Without it, you’ll struggle to bring on customers, retain clients and build a brand that’s known for a great customer experience.

Customer communication is as important for your business as SEO is for your website

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How to Learn Faster and Smarter as a Working Adult

Thanks to emerging technology and droves of new graduates, today’s job market is more competitive than ever before. In fact, 78 percent of people said they would consider a job change this year, according to Brightwing Talent Insights Survey Results 2019.

With so many professionals open to making a job change, you’re going to be competing against strong candidates, whether you’re trying to grow in your current position or move into a new one.

How To Learn Faster and Smarter as a Working Adult

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Five Strategies For a More Productive Workday

Everyone wants to have a more productive workday every day. To get more done, do it well, and to eventually leave the office feeling accomplished. However, in the busy and hectic modern workplace, that’s often easier said than done.

Strategies for a more productive workday

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