Filip Truta' Post

Study: Women Choose Reliability, Men Choose Pleasure

Humanity strives every day to make society a better place for everyone, a place of abundance and equality, where any one of two parents can put bread on the table and lead a decent family life. We have a long way to go to achieve this on a global scale, but new research shows that at least the United States are champions in this aspect.

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An Apple Event Packed With Awesome

In usual fashion, Cupertino behemoth Apple Inc. yesterday put its finest execs on stage to announce all-new products and upgrades, taking the world by storm in a 2-hour event marked with unprecedented oomph.

This isn’t a liveblogging session, so we’ll jump right to the quick. One of the less exciting announcements Apple made yesterday was the Apple Watch update, which included Watch OS 2, new apps, new finishes, new bands, etc. Then came the iPad Pro. And everything changed.

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How Mobility Spurred the Most Lucrative Business in Recent Times

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Don’t you just dread waiting in line to get something as small as a box of Tic Tacs? How about having to cross the city just to sign a paper? Bureaucracy is still alive and kicking in 2015, despite technology lending a huge helping hand in virtually every field. But there’s one area that is seeing some much needed improvement: payments. And it’s all thanks to the cloud and mobility joining forces.

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Quote of the Day by Cormac McCarthy

Photo by Erika Lanpher on Unsplash

There’s a theory according to which we’re all part of a big Multiverse, where every new event sparks a new reality / a parallel Universe, leaving behind an infinite number of other potential outcomes, with just as many potential futures lying ahead. Personally, I don’t care for it.

It’s not that I don’t believe in it. I do. But I choose to ignore it. Our existence on this Earth is physical, and physical objects live in the now. The choices that we make are just that – choices. We are solely responsible with measuring the good-to-bad ratio of the outcome. Nature doesn’t seem to care. In this respect, novelist Cormac McCarthy once quipped:

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5G: The Internet of Everything

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Juniper Research has released a paper that forecasts rapid adoption for the 5G wireless standard from 2025 onwards, with 240 million active connections by then. Still, this figure would account for about 3% of global mobile connections, so this does not represent the all-encompassing vision that some technology giants (like Samsung) are hoping to make a reality.

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Who Decides What Generation You Are?

Photo by Alex Iby on Unsplash

“Self-absorbed,” “wasteful,” “greedy” and “cynical.” This is basically how Generation Y, otherwise known as Millennials, see themselves today. Not all of them, but a good chunk of the demographic nonetheless.

A study conducted by Pew Research Center with 3,147 adults (who are part of the American Trends Panel) reveals that Millennials, the generation born between 1981 and 1997 (according to this particular research group) are the most prone to criticize their generation. Basically the only good thing they have to say about themselves is that they are idealistic. So what’s the catch?

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13 Reasons Why Our Brains Crave Infographics [Updated]

Photo by Amanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash

The use of visualized information on the Internet has increased by a staggering 9900% since 2007, according to NeoMam Studios. And it’s hardly a surprise. With the increase in computing power and storage, the usability of the Internet has increased proportionally. If you think about it, the number actually seems a bit modest.

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IT as a Business – ITaaB

Photo by Sergi Kabrera on Unsplash

The annual Computerworld Forecast Study is out, revealing the IT priorities for this year in key spending areas like new technologies, and staffing up. According to the IDG-funded research, IT budgets are increasing and cloud services in particular are booming. IT is slowly but surely becoming a business in and of itself inside every company today.

With CIOs and CEOs joining forces to streamline IT decision-making, 2015 is showing growth in all areas and on all levels, according to the whitepaper. IT budgets have not only remained in place, but they’ve actually increased in 2015 by 4.3%. The spike potentially reflects a shift in IT decision making thanks to a younger generation of leaders.

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