Posts Tagged Under: universe

The Distance from Earth to Mars (in Pixels)

Photo by mohammad alizade on Unsplash & Photo by Luca Rüegg on Unsplash

There are high hopes that mankind will set camp on Mars (and beyond) in the not-too-distant future. So high that we’ve even jumped the gun to make a movie about it. But the stories that circulate involving our efforts to set foot on the Red Planet sometimes fail to clarify one teeny tiny detail.

Since Mars is the fourth rock from the Sun, and Earth is the third, you’d think that the trip there will be relatively swift and uneventful? But that’s not even remotely true

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Quote of the Day by Cormac McCarthy

Photo by Erika Lanpher on Unsplash

There’s a theory according to which we’re all part of a big Multiverse, where every new event sparks a new reality / a parallel Universe, leaving behind an infinite number of other potential outcomes, with just as many potential futures lying ahead. Personally, I don’t care for it.

It’s not that I don’t believe in it. I do. But I choose to ignore it. Our existence on this Earth is physical, and physical objects live in the now. The choices that we make are just that – choices. We are solely responsible with measuring the good-to-bad ratio of the outcome. Nature doesn’t seem to care. In this respect, novelist Cormac McCarthy once quipped:

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