Posts Tagged Under: micro-goals

Tiny Tweaks for a More Productive Work Environment

Tiny Tweaks for a Productive Work Environment

Productive work is oftentimes unattainable. Very often we end up doing futile work on things unrelated to our productivity. And, by all standards, work should be productive. Yet, other than procrastination, there are countless reasons why it’s tough to do productive work. Most of the time, work inertia makes it hard to change things for the better. Chiefly, having spend so much time training to do things a certain way makes us reluctant to change.
Imagine, however, that you could bring forth change with a few tiny tweaks. Nothing too complex, no relearning or brain rewiring. Instead of huge changes that might not even work for you, try the shortest path to change. Tiny tweaks for productive work means that you invest as little as possible to get the greatest possible return.
Tiny Tweaks for a Productive Work Environment

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5 Steps to Setting Smarter, Achievable Goals

5 Steps to Setting Smarter, Achievable Goals

Achievable goals are the pinnacle of a smart goal-setting strategy. Sure, you should be able to achieve your goals, generally speaking. Yet, there is a lot more to achievable goals. This is because goals are high-productivity enablers. By itself, goal-setting provides structure to individual or team efforts.
And making sure that goals are achievable builds on that. Most of all, achievable goals motivate. They become a milestone. One that requires resilience. To put it simply, achievable goals are something people feel. Achievable goals reward because they feel like the achievement that they are.
5 Steps to Setting Smarter, Achievable Goals

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4 Traits That Successful Teams Have In Common

4 Traits That Successful Teams Have in Common

Successful teams are what drives any company. They are what makes the difference. And, above all, it’s successful teams that make or break your business.
However, creating successful teams isn’t quite science yet. After all, you can put a bunch of very smart and talented people together, and still fail miserably. Or you can band together a group of people that, for whatever reason, synergize. They click together, overcome obstacles, and overachieve.
4 Traits That Successful Teams Have In Common

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Prioritization Is an Art - Here Are 5 Ways to Master It

5 Prioritization Tips to Achieve Goals Faster

Prioritization is simple to understand: first things come first. Yet, taking it to the next level is both challenging and rewarding. There’s nothing quite like prioritization when it comes to achieving goals. Here are 5 ways in which you can master prioritization and unleash your productivity.
Prioritization Is an Art - Here Are 5 Ways to Master It

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Team Resilience

This 4-Step Plan Helps You Increase Team Resilience

Team resilience is not just survival. It is changing the rules of your fitness. And this goes beyond adaptation. Team resilience is nurtured, not bought just as true grit is nurtured, not bought.

It’s tuning your team so that it adapts to a new reality. One that’s tougher, meaner, against you. Team resilience is all about moving along this new reality.

Team Resilience

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The Teamwork Guide: How to Be a Better Team Player (Part 3)

Team players always focus on team efforts. And teamwork and productivity go hand in hand. When every team member does a brilliant job, the overall results will match. And it’s our job to make sure we accommodate the team.
Even romantic relationships can be difficult to find and develop. And those typically involve 2 people. Recruiting, onboarding and developing a team member can be even more difficult. Firstly, there are many more people involved. Secondly, the incentives and end goals are different. Lastly, the strategy may or may not be based on exclusivity.
Truth be told, teams go through a long and difficult process to ensure the “right fit.” And that’s why teamwork doesn’t just happen. And it’s not too much to ask for a team player to step up and meet the team level. It might sound surprising. But today being “good at teams” is still a skill.
Teamwork Guide: How to Be a Better Team Player

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The Smart Entrepreneur’s List of Productivity Hacks (Part 3)

Most entrepreneurs are quick to experience fatigue. It’s only natural. There are simply so many decisions to make. Anything can go wrong, anytime. And some days are plain awful. Some days you might want to shut everything down. And move somewhere and fish for a living. Or fix fishing nets.
It is the work. Being an entrepreneur is a lot of work. And everything about that work is special. You deal with countless items every day. Product, strategy, development, marketing. New markets, optimizing. Or too much optimizing.
Productivity hacks are not a cheat. Instead, think of them as an enhancement to your productivity. A regular working experience has certain limitations. Entrepreneurship does not.
Productivity hacks for smart entrepreneurs

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