Posts Tagged Under: javascript

An Intro Into Single Page Applications (SPA)

As we have mentioned in a previous post, among many other important things, the Apps Team builds specialized Apps for end-users.

An App must be able to run on various devices like smartphones, tablets and desktops and offer an outstanding user experience on any of these devices. We have an interesting approach – we build an App once and we are able to deploy it anywhere. Apps are written in JavaScript and they use a specialized stack framework.

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Why Are Containers Important For Apps

There is almost nothing more hip than Apps these days. Just read there’s an App to turn your Harlem Shake videos into guaranteed success 🙂

JavaScript App development, less visible to the end-user, is very much aided by something developers call Containers. The Container component arranges its items in a special layout.

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Debug Compiled JavaScript Code with Ease

In the Apps Team we develop a wide variety of SPAs. Do not think about any nice hot-springs resort, SPA stands for Single Page Applications. The main reason why SPAs have been gaining a lot of popularity these past few years is because they provide a more appealing user experience. Just take a quick look at Gmail, Official Gmail Blog, The New York Times to name a few. The content is retrieved in a single page load. This means that page sections get dynamically changed.

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