Posts Tagged Under: HTML5

Browsers. The Final Threshold

Have you ever wondered about the purpose of browsers? And why are there so many of them, when they all seem to do the same thing?

Browsers are actually an essential part of the Internet. Without them, the whole world wide web would be meaningless. They are the entities that interface the work of web developers with the user experience. This is why browsers are so important.

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App Testing Is Fun

The Apps Team is growing! We are on the look-out for talented software developers with a passion for research and automation testing to join our team in Bucharest.

Many people associate the software testing process with the image of a robot clicking on different links in an attempt to spot issues. Can’t really blame them, as in some cases this is quite necessary. Still, generally speaking, software testing is anything but trivial. As a matter of fact, software testing is software development, with the difference that the output is a software product that tests another software product. On many occasions, developing such a product turns out to be more creative than developing the software that has to be tested.

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The Apps Team Takes The Scene

In one of our previous articles, we provided a short intro on 4PSA’s internal organization. Today, you can have a closer look at the Apps Team.

Who We Are

We are a bunch of passionate young developers who like taking up new challenges. Ranging from interns to seniors, from designers to coders, from cheerful to introspective, and from inquisitive to amenable, there is one thing we all have in common: we want to build great Apps.

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