Posts Tagged Under: focus

Five Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Managing time in an effective way is a challenge that most people struggle with on a daily basis. There is always too much to be done and time never seems to be enough. While we can’t stretch the length of the day for you, we can definitely help you make the most of the time you already have. Read forward to learn some time management strategies that will hopefully improve your work life and not only.

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Stay Focused and Increase Your Productivity

We live in world that moves at an incredibly fast pace. So many things are happening at the same time, and so many of them require your attention. Distractions are everywhere, and everyone you know asks for your attention at one moment or another. Staying focused in these conditions sounds like mission impossible. However, there are some strategies you can apply to improve your focus and increase your productivity. In this article we are going to discuss some of the most useful ones.
Stay focused and increase your productivity

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Six Tips to Get Things Done at Work

Work productivity is a never ending conversation. We all wish we could be more productive and get things done at work. However, this requires effective time management and a strong focus-oriented mindset. The purpose of this article is guiding you to achieving that.
Get things done at work

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How Sleep Affects Your Productivity and Tips to Make Things Better

We live in a culture that expects us to be as efficient and productive as possible. Since there are only so many hours in a day, and way too many things to accomplish, the most common solution used by professionals all over the world is cutting back on sleep. Indeed, giving up one third of our time to inactivity seems counterproductive. However, not doing that is what makes millions of people lose or weaken their ability to stay productive and eventually turns into sleep deprivation. This article is dedicated to exploring this correlation between sleep and productivity.
How Sleep Affects Your Productivity and Tips to Make Things Better

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7 Things You Need to Do When Your Team Loses Focus

7 Things You Need to Do When Your Team Loses Focus

Focus is a perpetual challenge. After all, adjusting and maintaining our focus is a daily battle. Hence, most of us take it personally. We seldom talk about our ability to focus. We are seldom forthwith about fatigue, distractions or procrastination. Conversely, we seldom talk about burnout or our inability to concentrate.
7 Things You Need to Do When Your Team Loses Focus

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Working Remotely – How to Use Time, Space, and Smart Tech as Motivation Boosters

Working Remotely – How to Use Time, Space, and Smart Tech as Motivation Boosters

Working remotely is on the rise. More and more people want to work from a location of their choice. At home, wearing pajamas, on a flexible schedule. On a beach, next to a pinna colada.
Internet innovation drives remote work. Bundles of tech solutions. Long commutes in regular jobs incentivize it even further. Besides, research shows remote workers are more productive. They do more with less, which leads to work intensification.
To be fair, the reverse is nearly as likely. People that do remote work have to be productive to make the cut. The vast majority of people, however, have issues with getting motivated. Everything is so distracting. There are far too many sources for interruptions. From getting the wrong order in a coffee shop to a noisy scanner in a co-working space. While at work, you at least have a productivity benchmark. And teams to boost your morale. At home, you might get stuck in between the fridge and the couch while binging on Netflix.
Working Remotely – How to Use Time, Space, and Smart Tech as Motivation Boosters

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3 Ways to Wire Your Brain to Be More Productive

3 Ways to Rewire Your Brain to Be More Productive

Be more productive to experience life to its fullest. It’s the chant of the decade. For many, however, it’s also an impossible dream. There are limits to what you can achieve. And there are limits to how well you can do it. It used to be that you could stay ahead. Now you need to do your best to keep up.
3 Ways to Wire Your Brain to Be More Productive

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Boosting Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

Boost Your Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

Binaural beats and brainwave entrainment might sound like a Star Trek Discovery title episode. Moreover, using them for boosting productivity mind sound over the top. In reality, these concepts predate the first Star Trek. And while the so-called “mind-machines” were very popular in the 60’s, today everything is about boosting productivity.
As an illustration, consider this scenario. You’re at work and you need to be productive. Hence, you put some headphones on and play some sounds while working. In effect, your attention span increases. Meanwhile, your focus gets stronger, deeper. Moreover, the overall quality of your work improves. To say nothing of your mood. Subtly improved, your mood becomes work-positive. You end up doing more, faster, better.
Boosting Productivity with Binaural Beats and Brainwave Entrainment

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Practical Ways to Foster Resilient Leadership at Work

Practical Ways to Foster Resilient Leadership at Work

Resilience is the successful adaptation to adversity. In fact, most research suggests that children overcoming adversity heal as resilient adults. Overcoming adversity improves socialization, creativity, and self-motivation.
In fact, it makes people capable to achieve more. Whenever there’s an obstacle, resilience enables you to conquer it. It’s that extra step, that 1% you can top everything with.
Any amount of adversity is like fighting a battle. One in which the odds are against you. When coming out triumphant, you overcome. It boosts your self-esteem and makes you better overall. And, as many studies suggest, it even alters your neural structure. Your brain changes to reflect resilience. Be it developmental resilience or otherwise.
Practical Ways to Foster Resilient Leadership at Work

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