Posts Tagged Under: cloud

Before Deploying Cloud Collaboration Software, Ask Yourself This

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Before Deploying Cloud Collaboration Software, Ask Yourself This

Service providers can no longer afford to keep their hands clean of any cloud business. Nor should they. In today’s competitive marketplace, moving operations to the cloud isn’t just worth considering. It’s a must.

Aggregated research from Infonetics shows that more than half of companies across North America will be running cloud-based UC software in one form or another by 2016. The research also includes a projection according to which the cloud PBX & UC segment will be valuated at $12 billion by 2018.

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Prediction or Inevitability? By 2030 We’ll Be Fully Merged With The Cloud

Photo by Nik MacMillan on Unsplash

Someone took Transcendence very, very seriously. Allegedly, our entire beings will be merged with the cloud via nanobots in less than 15 years from now. That, according to Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google.

If anyone knows anything about information – how it’s stored, managed, and shared across the globe – it’s probably the guys behind the world’s biggest search engine. Speaking at the Exponential Finance conference, the computer scientist touched on many of his decade-old predictions, including one about human nature and our restless need to evolve technologically.

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How To Properly Use “Cloud” In A Sentence

The Cloud Computing Caucus Advisory Group hosts “Hillversations” to discuss cloud computing issues with industry experts and develop resources to ultimately educate the public and members of Congress in these matters. Gartner Research Director Katell Thielemann was a key speaker at the gathering earlier this week.

Getting “the cloud” right

Addressing federal employees, Theilmann attempted to dispel five massive misconceptions about the concept once and for all. The quintessence of her talk was:

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Earth Day Is Cloud Day

Going green usually translates into extra spending, but there’s one particular field where taking the eco-friendly route can actually become profitable – cloud computing. Plus, you get that warm fuzzy feeling deep down inside that you’re doing the right thing.

In light of Earth Day, I’d like to talk about protecting Mother Nature by moving server-dependent operations to the cloud – as opposed to maintaining an on-premise server in a dark room of your establishment.

Photo by Luca Micheli on Unsplash

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UC Gets New Product Segment: Business Communications Operations Management (BCOM)

Managing today’s complex business communications solutions is beginning to require more than just a guy with a manual and some IT experience. New evidence is mounting that Unified Communications solutions are becoming vital for companies big and small. As the UC sector is busy working up some momentum, industry experts are already sensing the need for Business Communications Operations Management, or BCOM. UCStrategies, a self-proclaimed authority in UC education and information, hints at the need of configuration templates for businesses looking to finally say yes to technology.

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Why the Cloud Is Vital for Any Business, Big or Small

Surely you’ve heard of Alibaba Group, the Chinese e-commerce and payment service catering to 300 million users in their home land, and plenty of other clients internationally. Their slogan is “Global trade starts here,” but soon they might have to update it to “everywhere,” if their latest developments are any indication.

This week, Alibaba launched its first U.S.-based cloud computing hub confirming its plans to pit itself against already-established giants like Amazon and Google. The reason? Alibaba knows it’s imperative to align their operations with strategically placed facilities when the doors to global business are wide open.

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How To Avoid Major Cloud Migration Mistakes

Can anyone deny that cloud computing has taken the world by storm? Savvy CIOs who have already adopted the cloud have been reaping the rewards of increased flexibility and scalability, faster time to market for new application deployments, and greater savings across the board. With cloud computing, all signs point to a more efficient and cost-effective technological future.

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