Cool Summer 2012 Internship Problem Set 3

We are publishing this set of problems one day earlier, as it is Easter time and we’d like everyone to enjoy it accordingly.

Do not forget about the rules. The deadline to submit your solutions is Tuesday, April 17th, 11:00 PM GMT. Results must be submitted here. You can solve the problem in a small team!

Easter Eggs

You are given n eggs, each weighing 10 to 100 grams. You also have a collection of large baskets. Your aim is to find the smallest number of baskets that will hold the n eggs, with no basket holding more than 100 grams. You must take each of the eggs in the order in which they are given.

What you have to do

  • Prepare a document specifying the algorithm and the algorithm complexity
  • Implement the algorithm and build units tests for it


You can use a data structure that allows you to find the first appropriate basket in O (log n) time.

The Next YouTube

Let’s suppose that you are the YouTube’s product manager and you want to redesign it. The next version should employ a number of different strategies to engage attention, invite people to participate, and explore the new social aspects of the site.

What you have to do

Send us YouTube wireframes and a document explaining the specific design decisions taken when creating the mockups.


  • Balsamiq is a great tool.
  • User experience design means a lot of trade-offs.

Happy Easter, everyone!


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