Remus Serban' Post

Maximize Your Work Time

Maximize Your Work Time with These 5 Easy Steps

Work time is a salad that mixes productivity with breaks. Undeniably, breaks can make you more productive, yet many of them eventually turn out to be ineffective or simply unnecessary. By default, work time is expected to be productive. Markedly, either by doing more or better or both. So far, these are the two main approaches to boosting productivity. And most types of work require a mix of the two.
Maximize Your Work Time

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Team Dynamics Clashes and Synergies

Team Dynamics Clashes and Synergies That Make Your Team Reach Set Goals

Team dynamics are crucial when you build a team around a goal. And your best bet is to build teams around goals and manage team dynamics in order to reach them.

We covered team roles in the previous article of our team dynamics series. For now, bear in mind that social scientists applied Belbin’s team roles to a group of students near the Arctic circle. The results of this coaching experiment were better team cohesion and the feeling that, “although individuals are not perfect and good at everything, teams can achieve this.”

Team Dynamics Clashes and Synergies

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team strengths

Team Strengths, True Leadership and How They Boost Productivity

Team strengths are instrumental to boosting productivity and the success of your business. By playing team strengths, you increase team trust and team engagement.
Team strengths should be your focus even before building the team. Especially if you use team goals to target objectives. Team strengths are what a good leader uses to get the team through.
team strengths

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team dynamics

Team Dynamics Is About Playing Team Roles to Your Advantage

Team dynamics helps you play team roles to your advantage. By team roles, we mean Belbin’s team roles. To be sure, they are based on decades of observation. Teams observed over long periods of time in order to determine how teams work. Without a doubt, there is value in decades of insight. In light of so much research, team roles work to explain how teams work together. Being that, they provide a perspective in how to build teams. Furthermore, they can explain why things go bad with teams.
Each of us has a set of favorite roles. What’s more, we can shift from one role to another. Owing to our unique makeup and personality. Hence, getting a balanced team together is tricky. At the same time, it is easier than you’d expect. We’ve explored the general theories in the first part of this team dynamics series

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Team Dynamics Is More Than Finding the Right Mix of People

Team dynamics are, in essence, processes and behaviors transpiring among team members. Team dynamics have a profound, albeit subtle impact. They influence both team performance and overall productivity. Indeed, the key dynamics of any team stem from roles and responsibilities. But it goes deeper than that. This guide covers team dynamics at length. To that end, we will follow both theory and practice over a series of articles. Even more, each article in this series offers actionable tips.

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meetings guide

The Ultimate Guide to Setting, Prepping, Running and Cutting Meetings

Meetings are the least popular work-related activity. And meetings cost huge sums in lost productivity. That’s because meetings are the dread of any organization. Sure, some people argue that one-on-one meetings are awesome. While one-on-ones are mentoring, and loved, regular meetings are often considered torture. Most often, torture by boredom.
Boring meetings happen for a reason. Meetings often lack organization, purpose and structure. Your team would rather do some work instead. Or would rather finish early on Friday.
meetings guide

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workplace diversity

Here’s How Workplace Diversity Boosts Profitability

Any company should care about improving diversity: it accounts for success. And it will develop your image as an employer. Millennials in particular choose who to work with rather than for. And it matters who you are.

Workplace diversity is strongly related to team performance and overall profitability. But achieving such diversity comes with many challenges. Here’s how to go through them.

Here’s How Workplace Diversity Boosts Profitability

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Boost productivity with strategic breaks

Boost Productivity with Strategic Breaks and Sustainable Focus

Boost productivity with breaks, it sounds counterintuitive. After all, productivity means that you are doing effective work. And no effective work happens on a break. In fact, this is a limited view on productivity.
In the past, more hours of work had a direct effect on production. More man-hours, meant more manufactured goods. The relation between time and the items produced was obvious.
Yet even then people had the right idea about productivity. Allegedly, Ford shocked the world by adopting the 40-hour workweek. And it worked! Even thought it made no sense at the time, it boosted productivity.
Boost productivity with strategic breaks

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