Filip Truta' Post

Quote of the Day By Charles Cooley

Photo by Richard Felix on Unsplash

Try to recall the last time you were surrounded by people who were on a completely different level than you. Did you feel imprisoned, misunderstood? The next time you feel that way, remember these wise words from Charles Cooley.

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How To Write Engaging Headlines and Convert Your Audience [Infographic]

Most people don’t put any effort into writing a compelling title for their blog posts, according to the latest research. But while many people do pay attention to this aspect, it’s still hard to nail it every time. So let’s see how you can write more good titles.

A catchy headline catches your audience

Your headline may or may not say it all, but it does create expectations for the reader – expectations that must be on par with the content in your blog post, otherwise the your reader could lose trust in you. So don’t sensationalize too much without backing those claims with your content.

In fact, according to the research done by Hubspot, Market Domination Media, and Outbrain, your title may be the only chance your blog post has to generate new page views and new visitors for your blog.

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How Highly Does Your Business Value UC&C?

That’s one of the many questions asked by Fujitsu in a survey-turned-contest-turned-infographic. Most businesses are in the early stages of implementing UC&C (Unified Communications & Collaboration), but at the same time these companies expect the entire infrastructure to be laid out and ready to be used on a regular basis in no less than three years.

The Japanese IT company wanted to determine the state of UC&C today by issuing a game-show-inspired set of questions to a bunch of companies big and small. The purpose was to help managers see beyond the technical hurdles and into the advantages of simplified communications and enhanced collaboration. Right off the bat I can tell you that VoipNow & Hubgets – our most prominent products – are the perfect answer to Fujitsu’s entire pop quiz.

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Quote Of The Day By Shahir Zag

Photo by Blake Meyer on Unsplash

Ever felt neglected by your boss? Sure you have. It’s in the boss’s job description to be a douche every once in a while, but he/she has a good excuse for being like that. Shahir Zag explains this mentality with this simple quote

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How To Properly Use “Cloud” In A Sentence

The Cloud Computing Caucus Advisory Group hosts “Hillversations” to discuss cloud computing issues with industry experts and develop resources to ultimately educate the public and members of Congress in these matters. Gartner Research Director Katell Thielemann was a key speaker at the gathering earlier this week.

Getting “the cloud” right

Addressing federal employees, Theilmann attempted to dispel five massive misconceptions about the concept once and for all. The quintessence of her talk was:

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IPv4 Is On Its Last Legs In The US, Experts Give It ‘Till Summer

IT experts warn that the pool of IPv4 addresses left unused is rapidly running dry for America. Sandra Brown, president of IPv4 Market Group, says the prices for IPv4 addresses are going to soar.

IPv4 stands for Internet Protocol version 4. The standard dates from the late ’80s when it was naively assigned only a few billion addresses as 32-bit integers. Now that they’re running out, Internet-reliant businesses are being forced to

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A Word About The VoipNow Wiki and Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

The headline says it all. Our Wiki is now under the Creative Commons (CC) Attribution 4.0 International license, besides having a sexy new look 😉 The CC-licensed content is available on the end-user and developer resources spaces. We encourage you to use it if you offer VoipNow and DNS Manager’s extensive array of features to your customers. It’ll help them make the most of it, guaranteed!

So what does this stand for anyway? The Creative Commons Attribution license allows the most freedom for using a creative work. Here’s what you need to know about it as a service provider.

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