Filip Truta' Post

Quote of the Day by Lori Greiner

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Since work is the only way to get anything valuable out of life, you might as well do it full time and make a difference, than to lug your body to and back from the office for half that time and achieve nothing.

Makes sense, right? It’s the mindset of inventor Lori Greiner, and it sounds a lot smarter coming from her mouth:

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How to Procrastinate Like a Pro

Photo by Adam Grabek on Unsplash



the act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off or delaying, especially something requiring immediate attention:

She was smart, but her constant procrastination led her to be late with almost every assignment.

Everyone knows procrastination is productivity’s arch enemy. Putting off stuff clogs up your mind and your desk, it affects team goals and even individual teammates, your parents are disappointed with you, your boss gets angry, all that stuff. But what if I told you that procrastination can become an art that you can master and impress everyone around you with the results?

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How Wireless Charging Will Change Communications Forever

Photo by Limor Zellermayer on Unsplash

Ask yourself this: “am I using my phone too much?” If you’re like most people, chances are you’ll say “yes.” And it’s difficult not to, with so much connectivity at our fingertips and everyone doing it. But the reality is our cell phone usage today is moderate compared to what’s coming.

One big limitation that keeps us from constantly fiddling with our phones is battery life. On a full tank, we have no problem watching videos, playing games and browsing Facebook, sometimes for hours at a time. But the minute that battery meter drops below 20% we enter power-save mode. And I’m not talking about dimming the screen or switching from 4G to 3G either. No. I’m talking about literally going into power-save mode ourselves, by limiting actual usage of the phone. However, all that is about to change really soon.

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The Rising Power of Consumers

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

What’s the #1 attribute that a CEO must possess? According to the hundreds of chief executives polled by PwC for its 2015 Pulse survey, the key ingredient to be at the top of your game in this line of work is “strategy.”

The respondents were not named (for obvious reasons), but PwC highlighted some of their answers in quotes. One CEO piqued, “The crucial thing a CEO has to be capable of is to think strategically, which means to recognise changes in the market early and then formulate the consequences for their business.”

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Facebook M – Possibly The Next Big Step Towards True AI

Photo by Rock’n Roll Monkey on Unsplash

AI is the talk of the town these days. Every major tech juggernaut is trying to grasp machine intelligence and Facebook seems to be on a very promising track with an all-new personal assistant called ‘M.’ Unlike Google Now, Cortana, or Siri, Facebook M doesn’t ask you to repeat what you said, nor does it dump a bunch of Internet links on you when the query is too difficult for the algorithms to handle. When it hits a search roadblock, it starts to ask around.

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Quote of the Day By Joshua J. Marine

Photo by Mikito Tateisi on Unsplash

Some think there’s a good chance the Universe doesn’t actually have purpose. That it just exists and will forever contract and expand, with no reason other than it can.

But to bring something into existence, something else must have existed to produce it. Big Bang aside, everything we see around us today has been created as a result of chemical and physical processes. Each processes got its purpose in the chain of events that led to it. In other words, existence without reason doesn’t make much sense, be it living or non-living. Author Joshua J. Marine has a famous quote on this:

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Innovation Tops the Agenda of Just 10% Of Companies Today [Study]

Photo by Rupert Britton on Unsplash

We recently discussed how delivering pristine customer experience and putting real value behind the product is the best way to do business. We also noted that, unfortunately, thinking outside the box is not always high on the agenda of a given company. But until today, we didn’t know just how many companies favored operations over innovation.

In PwC’s latest Pulse Survey, two questions were fired off in the direction of 246 chief executive officers at various (unnamed) companies, both meant to assess the level of innovation within each organization.

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Increased Collaboration Touted As the #1 ‘Symptom’ of Cloud Adoption in HBR Study

Photo by Josh Calabrese on Unsplash

It’s no mystery that enterprises today are racing to give themselves a competitive edge by moving operations from on-premise to cloud. This ‘maturity’ is apparently at its highest in 2015, with Harvard Business Review Analytic Services reporting that 44 percent of respondents in a study reported increased revenue, while 36 percent posted a spike in profits.

Perhaps more interestingly (to us, at least), the same survey found that cloud adoption enabled unprecedented levels of scalability and increased collaboration across the surveyed companies – 452 business and IT professionals.

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How to Sound Good Over the Phone

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Making sure you sound good over the phone is critical to building a good rapport with your clients. Whether you’re converting a lead into a buying customer or troubleshooting a technical issue, there are many techniques you can use to get the person on the other end of the line to really like you. Here are some of them.

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