Filip Truta' Post

Here’s How a (3D Printed) Stepper Motor Works [Video]

If you’ve disassembled an electric motor at least once your life, you should pretty much know the basics of this fascinating invention. But motors come in all shapes and sizes, and for just as many different purposes.

A stepper motor isn’t very different from traditional electric motors, but it has a few particularities that make it, well… particular. The copper coils that traditionally wrap around the rotor’s blades

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Guess Who Won the Smartphone Wars This Summer

comScore is out with the latest “smartphone wars” data reporting key trends in the U.S. mobile industry by platform, OS, and apps. The results will come as no surprise to those keeping close tabs on the OEM battle and other aspects surrounding our beloved handhelds.

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Quote of the Day Is About Rich People

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

Striking it rich is on many people’s bucket list, and it’s understandable. “We all like a bit of the good life,” as Archie famously remarks at the beginning of Guy Ritchie’s 2008 crime comedy film, RocknRolla. But it’s important how you play it.

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It’s Sheer Genius! Machine Learning Tech Will Make Boredom Profitable

Photo by Cloé fontaine on Unsplash

Researchers in Barcelona, Spain have developed a “boredom detector” that they plan to present at the UbiComp conference next week in Japan. The technology is based on an algorithm that looks at your mobile activity and determines your boredom levels. Because boredom leads to depression, the technology could essentially save lives. But it could be profitable too

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How to Stop Being a Loser [Infographic]

Avoiding social churn is no easy task. When you lose audiences to overwhelming or underwhelming actions, you become compelled to attract new people constantly just to keep your head above the surface. Progress, on the other hand, becomes unattainable if you keep making all the wrong moves.

If this sounds familiar then you most probably need to brush up on those digital skills. Bluntly put, you’ve got to stop being a loser. Kimi Mongello shows you how in a delightful infographic featuring 12 useful tips to help you retain your social community.

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Telecommuting Isn’t for Everyone, And Here’s Why

In a paper on the state of telecommuting, Telework Research Network acknowledges that the U.S. workforce is increasingly mobile, “but, beyond that broad statement, we know little about the rate of increase in mobility — how often people are out of the office, where they are, and what they’re doing. For that matter, there’s no agreed-upon method of defining who they are.”

Or isn’t there? Ctrip, China’s largest travel agency, joined forces with Nicholas Bloom, an economics professor at Stanford University, in order to find out how telecommuting impacts the worker, the boss, and the business. 250 of Ctrip’s employees volunteered as lab rats in the experiment, with half being deployed at home and half in the office. They found that the benefits were short term.

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Quote of the day by Kurt Vonnegut

Photo by Alejandro Escamilla on Unsplash

Humanity is technological by definition. From flint-made tools to the smartphone, humans have always been drawn to invent and discover. But you never hear about technology in old writings.

This rubbed Kurt Vonnegut the wrong way. The American writer and humorist believed that literature, especially novels, should include all aspects of life as we know it, not just events unfolding page by page.

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A Quarter of Americans Use Their Phones To Avoid Other People

Pew Research loves to poll people. The think tank has an impressive number of fact sheets regarding phone usage in countless scenarios, including one about public usage, which reveals some interesting particularities about us using our handsets on the street.

As you can imagine, people use their devices for a wide array of tasks, from socializing to finding their way around the city. But here are the actual usage patterns of Americans:

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When All Else Fails, Be A Niche Player

It’s important to know where you stand. Like people, companies can be delusional about their chance of success in a given market. In the cloud industry, it happens quite a lot. Having Amazon, Microsoft, and IBM as competitors leaves little room for success, which means you need to strategize the hell out of your business.

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Do You Represent Your Generation? [Infographic]

Are you in it for the money, for the fame, or to change the world? NextGeneration Recruitment has put together a nice infographic that looks at three different generations as tomorrow’s leaders. Right off the bat, Gen-X are described as the best workers, but that’s not always what HR looks for in certain applicants. Sometimes you just want someone who, despite being a little slow, is 100% passionate.

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