Thank YOU for Helping us!

This message is for all VoipNow 2 beta testers and generally for anyone that had an input regarding VoipNow 2. In the VoipNow 2 beta session we got over 2,000 subscribers. According to our records, more than 45% installed the product, which is quite good. Based on their feedback we discovered two critical bugs – thank you! In the past two months many people saw VoipNow 2 and they really liked the product. Actually, the fact that we didn’t receive much criticism is quite disturbing, so please go ahead, tell us also about the bad things. We are listening.

VoipNow 2 GA will be released very soon – you will also see an update on the VoipNow area on our website. It was a long way to go, as VoipNow 2 is a huge improvement over the old VoipNow 1.x. This product also involved a huge amount of work. Translated into man-hour, VoipNow 2 means around 30,000 hours of work. For our company this is the largest and most comprehensive project to date and I am sure that more feedback on how we completed the project will be available in the next weeks. We have already started to work on VoipNow 2.0.2 and we have many things scheduled for VoipNow 2.2. So future VoipNow 2 versions will be released in the next weeks.

Once again – thank you! Also accept our apologies because we were not able to stick to the scheduled release dates. Maybe that by software industry standards we haven’t missed them much, but for us this is a very important signal that we have to better address the unexpected. 🙂

Thank you,
Bogdan Carstoiu – CEO, Rack-Soft


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  • How about putting a new license file on your site somewhere so all of us beta tester’s aren’t locked out of our systems anymore….

    betatester 16 years ago Reply

    • Just update the license to VoipNow 2 and it will work (with both beta and final).

      Blog wizard 15 years ago Reply

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