Posts Tagged Under: coworking

A Quick Guide to Running Meetings Like a Pro

A Quick Guide to Running Virtual Meetings Like a Pro

Virtual meetings are a modern flavor of regular meetings. With the help of technology, participants can meet up despite limitations like different locations, different time zones or differing schedules. Real-time virtual meetings allow participants to meet up from anywhere, at any time. And, alongside many other productivity and collaborative tools, they enhance and improve cooperation.
A Quick Guide to Running Meetings Like a Pro

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Working Remotely – How to Use Time, Space, and Smart Tech as Motivation Boosters

Working Remotely – How to Use Time, Space, and Smart Tech as Motivation Boosters

Working remotely is on the rise. More and more people want to work from a location of their choice. At home, wearing pajamas, on a flexible schedule. On a beach, next to a pinna colada.
Internet innovation drives remote work. Bundles of tech solutions. Long commutes in regular jobs incentivize it even further. Besides, research shows remote workers are more productive. They do more with less, which leads to work intensification.
To be fair, the reverse is nearly as likely. People that do remote work have to be productive to make the cut. The vast majority of people, however, have issues with getting motivated. Everything is so distracting. There are far too many sources for interruptions. From getting the wrong order in a coffee shop to a noisy scanner in a co-working space. While at work, you at least have a productivity benchmark. And teams to boost your morale. At home, you might get stuck in between the fridge and the couch while binging on Netflix.
Working Remotely – How to Use Time, Space, and Smart Tech as Motivation Boosters

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How to Stay Focused When Working from Home

4 Quick Tips to Stay Focused and Productive When Working from Home

Stay focused and work will be a breeze. Yet, working from home is a challenge in its own right.
Let’s be honest, working from home is uniquely challenging. That’s because most people stash all sorts of fun things at home. Think home entertainment, from Netflix to video games. Gym equipment, kids, pets, deliveries, random visitors. There are countless opportunities for distractions.
How to Stay Focused When Working from Home

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happiness at work

Why Companies Should Focus More on Achieving Happiness at Work

Happiness at work has been a trendy topic for quite some time now. Everyone is curious, even nervous about it. From companies to scientists and employees. There is an abundance of studies and articles that draw quite a picture. Some argue that happiness at work can even make or break your business. Others find that it’s all inconclusive.
In fact, companies with happy employees score better

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Coworking Spaces

Virtual Coworking Spaces Tomorrow, Today

Coworking is a concept that’s “younger” than the average millennial professional life. Yet it also seems to be hugely popular, trendy even. Projected coworking spaces follow a curve that resembles Moore’s law. Every year, there are twice as many spots to fill. Either extensions or new spaces being open in a novel approach to build “uncorporations”. However, the concept of coworking is as old as early human communities.

After all, coworking is people doing similar work in shared spaces. Unlikely collaborators pursuing mutually advantageous strategies for development. Sharing a workspace with friends, mentors, and the competition. In a sense, this is remote work with superpowers. And it is more than a trend.

Coworking Spaces

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