Spring Race I – And The Winners Are…

Spring Race I reached its finish line on April 30 at midnight. We want to congratulate all the competitors and to invite them to join Spring Race II next week.

There have been a lot of teams that registered, but unfortunately not all of them submitted a solution. While this is normal in a race, even if there is only one winner, we want everyone to reach the finishing line 🙂 So, please go ahead and let us know in a comment to this article your thoughts on the chosen subject, how well it was described, and the difficulty level. Your feedback will be considered for the next race.

We evaluated your solutions and noticed that some of the submitted projects were fresh, designed for this competition, but not all of them. Although we thought this was pretty clear, it was not explicitly mentioned in the rules. As a result, no project was disqualified due to this reason. We will however modify the rules for the next two races. Projects that will not follow the “created for this purpose” rule will be disqualified.

After going through all projects, the conclusion is that the students who competed in this race have a lot of imagination and creativity. These two traits work great together with the power of technology. Keep up the good work and use Cloud Computing to make life better!

And now the juicy part 🙂 The winner of Spring Race I is the Paul&Adriana team and their project is an educational software. We have already notified the winners and they will join us on Monday for the awards ceremony.

Congratulations, Paul&Adriana! We’re looking forward to meeting you both.

And don’t forget, Spring Race II starts on Monday at 15:00. Stay tuned!

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