How to Anticipate and Resolve a Work Conflict

Conflicts at work are something we often deal with, as positive and agreeable as we might be, but that’s not necessarily bad. A constructive work conflict is even a desirable condition to every productive team because it leads to more valuable solutions. As a leader, you should encourage them. However, sometimes these disagreements go beyond the constructive line and become a damaging factor in your team.

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3 Clever Tricks That Can Save You From Bad Meetings

Imagine yourself going in all those every-day meetings. It’s supposed to start at 1 PM and somewhere around 1:10 everyone is finally in. Someone is trying to make the projector work. The presenter is searching through her files for the presentation. Everyone else is checking their email, social media or just chatting on their phone. The meeting is finally starting with a quick intro from the presenter. Half of the audience is still typing frenetically on their phone or laptop. Sounds familiar? Probably that’s because inefficient meetings are far more popular than we’d like to think. But there’s a cure for this epidemic of bad meetings and I’m here to share some solutions with you.

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How To Help Your Team Grow by Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning

We live in fast-paced digital world where change happens at the blink of an eye. The people who will lead us tomorrow are the ones learning how to cope with change today. They do that not only by embracing change, but by continuously learning new things and keeping up to date with their industry’s latest technology and best practices.
Today’s leaders from organizations like yours and ours have to answer a critical question: how to create a work environment that provides the space, dialogue and discipline to grow? We all need to find the way to make our teams get away from the daily grind of what needs to get done, and find the time for learning.

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How to Empower Your Organizational Culture with Hubgets Team Board

Good teams value the opinions and interests of each team member. Great teams create contexts where each and everyone can voice them out. Hubgets Team Board builds that kind of context for your team and helps your organizational culture by enabling members to share what they know, what they’re interested in, and what they like. Because work is not just tasks and projects, it’s also getting to know and having fun with your teammates.
On every update that we did so far, we made sure that the Team Board got sleeker and better. Today we’re excited to show you that Hubgets Team Board is now more engaging than ever. Let’s find out how it can help you empower your organizational culture.

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10 Things Successful Managers Do to Stay Productive

Judging by the enormous amount of books and blog posts on the topic of productivity, you can easily realize just how hard it is for anyone to actually reach this goal of ultimate productivity. Managers, C-level executives, and entrepreneurs are facing an even bigger challenge because they are usually involved in many projects, have a lot of responsibilities, and the pressure to succeed is incredibly high. Being productive is even more compelling.
That’s why I decided to put up a list of what I found to be the productivity hacks that are both highly effective and easy to implement in no time.

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How to Help Your Teammates Without Sabotaging Your Own Work

Every work day finds us focusing on our projects, striving to meet deadlines and finish tasks before we leave the office. But that’s not all we do, is it? We also spend a lot of time helping teammates who need our advice and input. Most often, we’re eager to help. But at the end of the day, when we realize we didn’t meet that deadline or we’re not even half way through that critical task, we have mixed feelings. Helping teammates felt good, but it took too much of our time and energy, and we neglected our work.
So, what motivates us to jump in and help, and how can we do it while staying productive?

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Why Use Performance-Based Hiring When Building Your Startup Team

Every entrepreneur acknowledges that hiring great people is their most important task, especially during the early stage of their startup. Nonetheless, very few go on the hiring journey with a strategic plan. That’s usually because, on paper, the hiring process seems to be fairly easy: post a job opening, read applications, select a few candidates for face-to-face interviews, hire the one that performs better, and repeat the process. From this perspective, flair seems to be the only thing employers need to get the hiring process right. Right?
Well, not exactly.

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