Why Is 4PSA Orange?

I’ve been answering to sales inquires for many years. Most of the questions are of course related either to Unified Communications or to the hosting world and sometimes they can be very funny. For example, a couple of days ago, someone asked me why we’ve chosen orange as our brand color.

Our marketing materials have a shade of orange, our offices are orange branded and we wear orange shirts when we attend venues. I remember that at WebHostingDay 2010, when we entered in the breakfast room in the first day someone said something like: “Look, the oranges are here!!!”. Not sure if he liked the color or the ladies. At these events there are lots of people wearing black/white, so orange is a nice change. In US it’s not recommended to wear too much orange because the prisoners’ uniform is also orange, even if a slightly different orange. 🙂

So why has 4PSA chosen orange? First, orange is a vibrant color, like our products. It’s flamboyant and energetic, like the market we address. It stimulates the enthusiasm and the creativity of the team who wants to deliver better and better every time. It is known to increase the appetite; in our case it’s the users’ appetite for better functionality and more features 😀 .

As you can see, there are many good reasons why we are so oraaaange!

Don’t take my word for that, try to wear something orange, you’ll instantly feel the energy it brings. Or, even better, request a VoipNow evaluation so you can test the positive effects of this wonderful color on your customers’ mood 🙂 .

Do you know any other software companies that love orange?


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  • I know that I’m Dutch so it’s in my DNA to love Orange!

    Rogier Banis 14 years ago Reply

    • That’s why we have so many customers in Netherlands, should be the color 🙂

      Blog wizard 14 years ago Reply

  • Orange is my new favorite color. 🙂

    john Meloche 14 years ago Reply

  • […] easy to spot 4PSA team members, they’re orange and they are flying around the […]

    Fly in the Cloud with 4PSA at HostingCon | 4PSA Blog 14 years ago Reply

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