I Want to Make It Cheap

I usually talk with 3-4 people every day. They call us asking for more details about VoipNow, they have some technical questions and, in the end, the call is directed to me. One of the first questions I ask is “What services do you want to offer?”. This way I can help the customer, but I also learn about new services. Unfortunately, at least one person per day answers me “I want to offer very cheap prices. Something like 2USD/month”.

When I got this answer for the first time, I was puzzled. I didn’t know what to say more. I didn’t want to offend my interlocutor asking him if he has a business plan. Lately, I discovered that it’s better to ask some fundamental questions, it’s best for someone to realize early that his business is not going to work. I try to explain that the market demands innovation and unique features, not just some other cheap calling cards. Many people understand me and want to learn more, but unfortunately other guys imagine that I have something against their business. 🙂

All I want is to try to make these people better spend their time and effort. Do you think that I should not care?


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  • Hi,
    I have been following your feedback and i most say you at 4PSA are doing a great job. I am a client of yours using VoIPNow HA. I want to suggent also that it will really help if you can blog about Wholesale VoIP Call termination as the complement your service.

    Foe example, Skype offer unlimited Country calling for less than $6.usd and unlimited worldwide calling for less than $13 usd.

    There are also other services also offering unlimited Country calling at a very cheap rate while some are offering calls even free to about 50 countries.

    Now i believe they most be getting there call termination at a very cheap rate for them to be giving unlimited calling at that cheap or even free rate.

    If you can blog abit on how you think they are able to get that kind of rate. it will go alog way in helping your clients.

    Edward 17 years ago Reply

  • It would be good to know the quality and consistency in the calls for businesses offering long distance and international calls at such low rate.

    Claude 16 years ago Reply

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