GalleryManager – Winning App In Spring Race III

As promised, today’s post is authored by Laur Neagu, winner of the last online hackathon in our Spring Races series.

Hello everyone! My name is Laur and I’m the designer of the winning app in Spring Race III. When I started developing the app, I didn’t think of a name for it. Meanwhile, I found one – GalleryManager 🙂

The purpose of GalleryManager is to classify a set of pictures according to a series of criteria such as time of day, picture quality, location, weather conditions, etc. We all know that managing our camera roll pictures can be a nightmare, so I’m thinking many people will find this app very useful.

What is interesting about it is that it recognizes the number of people shown in pictures. Plus, it saves to a temporary folder the faces recognized in each picture. The photos, saved as grayscale, and are focused on face details. Now that I’ve enabled this, I’m very close to finding the total number of pictures in which a certain person appears, throughout the entire camera roll, indicating those exact pictures, and a couple of more interesting criteria. For now, using Gallery Manager you can sort your photos by the number of faces in the pictures.

My app is also able to determine details about the location of the photo: in a gallery, at a sport event, indoor, outdoor, in the sun, under the moon, in open space etc. For that I used the Exif standard of the picture and I applied certain algorithms on Exif elements such as shutter value, FNumber or exposure value. Exif metadata also allowed me to get the latitude and longitude of the place where the photo was taken (its geolocation). And to sort them by quality, I used the resolution as a criterion.

For the time being, GalleryManager is a desktop application, but I intend to develop it as a web application (ASP.NET), then on mobile devices (Windows Phone for the beginning), and release it as soon as possible.

That is about it, I am glad to answer any comments.

Thank you 4PSA!


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