Posts Tagged Under: reach set goals

Tiny Tweaks for a More Productive Work Environment

Tiny Tweaks for a Productive Work Environment

Productive work is oftentimes unattainable. Very often we end up doing futile work on things unrelated to our productivity. And, by all standards, work should be productive. Yet, other than procrastination, there are countless reasons why it’s tough to do productive work. Most of the time, work inertia makes it hard to change things for the better. Chiefly, having spend so much time training to do things a certain way makes us reluctant to change.
Imagine, however, that you could bring forth change with a few tiny tweaks. Nothing too complex, no relearning or brain rewiring. Instead of huge changes that might not even work for you, try the shortest path to change. Tiny tweaks for productive work means that you invest as little as possible to get the greatest possible return.
Tiny Tweaks for a Productive Work Environment

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A Quick Guide to Running Meetings Like a Pro

A Quick Guide to Running Virtual Meetings Like a Pro

Virtual meetings are a modern flavor of regular meetings. With the help of technology, participants can meet up despite limitations like different locations, different time zones or differing schedules. Real-time virtual meetings allow participants to meet up from anywhere, at any time. And, alongside many other productivity and collaborative tools, they enhance and improve cooperation.
A Quick Guide to Running Meetings Like a Pro

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3 Company Rules That Nurture Trust and Teamwork

3 Company Rules That Nurture Trust and Teamwork

Teamwork is what makes a team effective and efficient. The way individual performances come together directly affects the whole. In essence, teamwork is synergy. Or making the whole greater than the sum of its parts. More than anything, what holds this synergy together is trust. In fact, team trust is what makes team work happen. Without trust, you do not have a team. Rather, you have a misaligned group of people.
3 Company Rules That Nurture Trust and Teamwork

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4 Traits That Successful Teams Have In Common

4 Traits That Successful Teams Have in Common

Successful teams are what drives any company. They are what makes the difference. And, above all, it’s successful teams that make or break your business.
However, creating successful teams isn’t quite science yet. After all, you can put a bunch of very smart and talented people together, and still fail miserably. Or you can band together a group of people that, for whatever reason, synergize. They click together, overcome obstacles, and overachieve.
4 Traits That Successful Teams Have In Common

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How to Stay Focused When Working from Home

4 Quick Tips to Stay Focused and Productive When Working from Home

Stay focused and work will be a breeze. Yet, working from home is a challenge in its own right.
Let’s be honest, working from home is uniquely challenging. That’s because most people stash all sorts of fun things at home. Think home entertainment, from Netflix to video games. Gym equipment, kids, pets, deliveries, random visitors. There are countless opportunities for distractions.
How to Stay Focused When Working from Home

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