VoipNow and Open-Xchange

VoipNow 2.0.3 was released, this is the first news. There are many bug fixes and also several interesting new features also. The next version of VoipNow will be 2.0.4, which is a minor release that will include VoipNow Automation. Speaking of Automation it is still not releasable, but we are making progresses with every day passed. The next major version of VoipNow will be VoipNow 2.1.0 and it’s scheduled for end of Q4 2009.

Anyway, I wanted to announce something else, namely an important agreement for service providers that want to deliver Unified Communications services. In the following months we will have an integration between VoipNow and Open-Xchange, which means that you can deploy hosted email groupware services, telephony, IM, faxing in the same package. User experience is very important and we will invest most of our efforts in this area. In fact, there are two areas for these integration efforts: deployment and user experience. Deployment is important for providers to automate processes, but to help sales should be very nice on the end-user’s level.

We will keep you updated on this blog regarding the status of the integration. Meanwhile, if you have Plesk and you want to offer a better webmail for your customers to replace Horder (for free) or even email Exchange services, just contact our sales department.


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  • Good news about 2.0.3 Bogdan, but not at all good regarding more delays with Automation.

    If I understand some other comments about Automation, it was supposed to be released in July. But it’s now September and you’re saying it’s still not releasable. At this rate, it seems likely we’re talking next year sometime before we see the release.

    Can you give us an idea of how long you expect this delay to be? And can you give us a revised time of release please?

    If we’re talking only a couple of extra weeks, that’s no big deal. But if we’re talking a couple more months, then that’s a major pain.

    I’ll need to find some alternative solutions to Automation very soon if the delays are expected to be extensive, because my clients need access to administer their own billing, invoices and accounts, not just their extensions via VoipNow.


    Kerry Denten 16 years ago Reply

    • There is no delay about Automation, it will be out this month.

      Blog wizard 16 years ago Reply

      • Well this is the best news I could have heard! Fantastic!! And thanks for the clarification.

        Kerry Denten 16 years ago Reply

        • I also meant to ask, is there a chance you guys might be thinking about incorporating SMS and MMS into Automation? If not a gateway itself, but perhaps an interface to allow for API connection to other major gateways?

          And is there any documentation available yet for the updated API or will that be released at the same time as Automation?


          Kerry Denten 16 years ago Reply

          • All API documentation for Automation will be released with the product.

            Blog wizard 15 years ago

          • Hi Blog Wizard .. looking at the calendar, today is the 28th of September, which means 4psa is fast running out of month for a September release, and yet, I notice on the site itself that it’s now shceduled for release in October.

            Can you confirm what’s happening please?

            Kerry Denten 15 years ago

  • Congratulations!

    You guys really rock. I am so happy I found VoipNow after so many months of frustrations with other products. Our company was ready to invest almost 100k in a solution with not even 40% of VoipNow Core functionality. Forget about scalability and the rest.

    Thanks, Bogdan I really appreciate that you trusted us to join the VoipNow Core family before the public release. Highly recommend these guys!

    David Snike 16 years ago Reply

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